Well, the Wyoming Catholic Register came out over the weekend... one week ahead of schedule! And since I included a link in the register inviting people in the Diocese of Cheyenne to check out the Vocations blog, I had better update it. It's one of those things that I've been meaning to do as the new guy- but I've also been needing to focus on other, even more important things than the blogosphere.
So I'll put up something about Advent soon, but a reminder that Thanksgiving isn't over. I know, I've eaten enough turkeys for 12 coyotes over the last few days, but seriously- Thanksgiving isn't over. The word Eucharist comes from a Greek word that means "to give thanks." As in, "The night before he died, Jesus gave you (God) thanks."
Every time we gather for Mass, we give thanks. Every time we attempt to model our lives on the sacrifice of Jesus, we give thanks. Every time we make God the center of our lives, we... well, you get the point.
So even though the bird carcass is in the trash and you're already thinking about finding that hideous holiday sweater, take a little time still today to... yup, give thanks.
Peace. Will post another entry tomorrow- maybe about something more timely- like Advent. But then again, I've got 4 weeks...
Monday, November 29, 2010
Tuesday, June 29, 2010
In Spanish the phrase "Adios" literally means "to God" but is commonly translated as "goodbye". Today is my last day as Vocation Director. Hard to believe that seven years have passed. So many memories of the 200,000 miles I've driven in that time, the thousands of miles I've flown, and the hundreds of people I have met along the way. "To God"! Every ministry within the Church ultimately is about the Kingdom of God, about holiness, about service. There were definitely days filled with great joy, just like last Thursday when Brian Hess, Daniel Poelma, and Robert Rodgers were admitted into Candidacy for Holy Orders; they made solemn promises to prepare diligently for priestly ministry four years from now. There have been lots of disappointments too when I really didn't think I was "doing this right" or the "right person for this ministry". Through it all I've experienced God's constancy and have realized ever more clearly that in all things God is the one who calls, nurtures, forms, and missions each person in a particular way. What a blessing for me that today, my last day, is the Solemnity of Sts. Peter and Paul! The two greatest apostles who shaped the Church in indelible ways! Each of them matured in their ministry and their keen appreciation of Jesus' unique relationship with them and the ministry He entrusted to them. Each of us is a vocation promoter and the Holy Spirit is really the Director of our personal and corporate vocations. I'm excited for Fr. Bill Hill as he begins this tremendous journey and awesome ministry. I'm blessed to get to be the Pastor of St. Mary Magdalen parish in Worland. When I ponder my own vocation journey I really can't believe I've been loved so very much by God! It's been 15 1/2 years since I was ordained December 12, 1994! I've grown so much as a person, and as a priest! God has placed so many wonderful people and situations in my life that have transformed me and also have enabled me to serve those to whom I've been sent. The last seven years I've been particularly blessed by the people of St. Paul's Newman Center, St. Laurence O'Toole parish, St. Paul's Church in Pine Bluffs and the two missions I served in Albin and Carpenter. I've been edified and humbled by the seminarians who've allowed me to advocate for them and to walk with them as they've discerned God's call. I've had the privilege of working with Permanent Deacon candidates and with those discerning religious life. What a remarkable Church we have! What amazing "living stones" I've encountered in each parish in the Diocese. I'm so proud to have been associated with and encouraged by my fellow Vocation Directors along the way. I've been so gifted to have had the chance to minister with and for Bishop David Ricken and for a short time Bishop Paul Etienne. I really admire and cherish the ministry I shared with the Diocesan Staff and my fellow Directors. My life has truly been so richly blessed by the priesthood. I cannot even begin to imagine what my life would have been had I not answered His call. I can only pray that like St. Paul I am able to say, "I have fought the good fight; I have run the race to the finish; I have kept the faith." I deeply love the Diocese of Cheyenne and the good people of Wyoming and am encouraged to know that we'll continue to foster a culture of vocations where each person is able to hear God's call and to live it to the full! I'm a huge fan of Star Trek and end this blog by looking to the future and living the motto "To Boldly Go..." enlightened by the adage, "All things in Christ." Adios!
Tuesday, June 15, 2010
End of Year for Priests

Wednesday, May 26, 2010
Habemus Sacerdotem
Wednesday, May 19, 2010
Tuesday, May 4, 2010
Finals Week
Tuesday, April 27, 2010
Discernment Dinner with Bishop Etienne
Friday, April 23, 2010
World Day of Prayer for Vocations: "Witness Awakens Vocations"
Tuesday, April 20, 2010
Encounter with God's Call Weekend
Tuesday, April 13, 2010
1st Holy Communion and the power of the Eucharist

Thursday, April 8, 2010
T-day plus 8
It has been 8 days since we as a universal Church entered the Sacred Triduum: Holy Thursday, Good Friday, Holy Saturday. For the most part life has returned to seeming normalcy here in Laramie. Mass attendance at daily mass has all but returned to pre-Lent numbers and stress levels are up due to the nearness of the end of the semester. I have been pondering what has changed for me this Lent and now into the first week of Easter. Initially I have been very moved and challenged by the generosity of Fr. Carl Gallinger, the Pastor of St. Paul's Newman Center, who allowed me to preside at Holy Thursday and at the Easter Vigil. As the Vocation Director I am based out of the Newman Center so I am not a pastor of any parish. I've been richly blessed by Fr. Carl and the Newman Center Community as I exercise quite a bit of priestly ministry here. This is humbling in that when I was a Pastor in Lander and Pine Bluffs I used to be possessive and really excited about these holy days! I hope that I can realize a wonderfully liberating truth: it's not about me but about God! I am only a humble instrument along with all those around me. So it is not so important that I "do" everything rather that I prayerfully allow God to work through me. The latter allows me to let go and let God. I am hosting the three seminarians from Vietnam this week. They are on Easter break and are not able to return home or take trips like the seminarians from Wyoming, with the exception of Brandon Halvorsen who is studying in Belgium. Hiep, Linh, and Duy are terrific examples of generosity, joy, and humble service to me and to all they meet. They remind me a lot of Jesus' incarnation: His willingness to "leave home" that is to become fully human that we might become one with the Father by baptism, confirmation, Eucharist, and lives striving for holiness. The Vietnamese seminarians are willing to serve in Wyoming the rest of their lives! As the Easter readings suggest to us, Easter is about new life! Nothing went back to the way it was after Jesus' resurrection, in fact in many ways things got more difficult and exciting! All but one apostle was martyred, the Church struggled for the first few hundred years with persecution and in coming to understand the mystery of God and the mystery of the Church itself. The days after Easter are called mystagogia, a time of profound reflection upon the mysteries of our faith as we encounter them anew in the renewal of our baptismal promises. These are vocation days too, days to be attentive to God's call to us and to be generous in our yes! The foot washing was not a once and for all activity but marks the character of our lives as disciples. Lucky for us, we have almost 40 more days to celebrate Easter and to allow the Holy Spirit to help us grow in our faith and service to God and the Church!
Sunday, March 28, 2010
Discernment dinner with the Little Sisters of the Poor
As we enter into Holy Week we celebrate another Person who recognized, and continues to, minister to the poor and the sinner, Jesus the Christ!
Friday, March 26, 2010
This is the first day of the rest of my priestly life...

Yesterday the priests of the Diocese of Cheyenne gathered with our new Bishop Paul Etienne for our day of reflection and Chrism mass. Bishop Etienne led the priests and deacons in two sessions followed by prayer. In each session he spoke of the call to deeper intimacy with God and to integrate at a deeper level the insights of St. Paul's letter to the Ephesians 1:1-5. This was a privileged time for the priests and our new bishop. I have always held this day as particularly close to my heart because priests renew their priestly promises and are encouraged as a group with their bishop to grow in fraternal love and support. I truly stood in awe and wonder as I sat and visited with my brother priests during the day. After nearly 16 years as a priest I find myself in the "middle aged" group of priests. Many of my heroes are nearing retirement. Joyfully there is a good sized group of younger priests. What is impressive and humbling is that we are all very different and none of us is worthy of the tremendous gift and responsibility entrusted to us. What is truly awe inspiring is that Jesus knows this and in love called us to this ministry anyway! The Chrism mass is usually celebrated on Holy Thursday to illustrate the integral relationship between the institution of the Eucharist and the birth of the Priesthood in the Church. We celebrate it the Thursday prior to Holy Week because of the great distances priests have to travel in our diocese.
I've been pondering the promises that I renewed yesterday, "Bishop: My brothers today we celebrate the memory of the first Eucharist, at which our Lord Jesus Christ shared with his apostles and with us his call to the priestly service of his Church. Now in the presence of your bishop and God's holy people are you ready to renew your own dedication to Christ as priests of his new covenant? Priests: I am. Bishop: At your ordination you accepted the responsibilities of the priesthood out of love for the Lord Jesus and his Church. Are you resolved to unite yourself more closely to Christ and to try to become more like him by joyfully sacrificing your own pleasure and ambition to bring his peace and love to your brothers and sisters? Priests: I am. Bishop: Are you resolved to be faithful ministers of the mysteries of God, to celebrate the Eucharist and the other liturgical services with sincere devotion? Are you resolved to imitate Jesus Christ, the head and shepherd of the Church, by teaching the Christian faith without thinking of your own profit, solely for the well-being of the people you were sent to serve? Priests: I am. All the bold and italics are mine. What powerful promises made out of an increasingly total love in my heart and in the heart of every priest and our bishop! To give my life away in service to the one I love is truly an honor, a gift, and at times a profound challenge. It has been almost 16 years since I first made those promises. They are still as evocative now as they were then. I try to be aware of them every day as I go about my living of the awesome gift of the priesthood! This was brought home to me after the 150 mile drive back to Laramie. I had just sat down to dinner when my phone rang and I was asked to spend time with a man and his family as he was dying. I celebrated with them the Sacrament of the Sick and the Commendation of the Dying. It was an immediate reminder to me of the power and hope that I get to represent as an ordained priest! Not because of anything that I am or have done, but all for the glory of God and the holiness of each member of the Church and everyone on Earth!
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
"These are the voyages..."
This weekend I had the privilege of promoting vocations with the parishes of St. Mary Magdalen in Evanston and St. Helen in Ft. Bridger. Fr. Jaime Bueno is their pastor. The readings offered a perfect launch point for vocation discernment. Jesus declares to Martha, "Your brother will rise." She asserts her faith in the resurrection on the last day and then Jesus reveals the fuller truth about himself, "I am the resurrection and the life; whoever believes in me, even if he dies, will live, and everyone who lives and believes in me will never die. Do you believe this?" "Do you believe this?" It is the discovery of Jesus as our life, as our security, that opens our hearts to offer ourselves to God in relationship and in service. This discovery calls for a conversion of heart on our parts. Jesus is the resurrection and the life! It was a powerful experience to celebrate with these communities of faith and to experience their openness to the way that Jesus calls us to follow Him in marriage, priesthood, religious life, the diaconate, or the single life. I got a particular joy celebrating mass in Ft. Bridger, a small mission parish served by Fr. Jaime. It has been my experience that mission parishes really own and celebrate parish life and priestly ministry. I had been a seminarian in these communities nearly 20 years ago and what a gift it is to return and see how much these parishes have grown. I learned that I need to work on my Spanish! Though I was able to offer the entirety of my vocation presentation to many in the youth group in Spanish and English. On Sunday morning I received a surprise gift! The Knights of Columbus from Evanston, primarily led by a High School student and his mother, did a bingo fundraiser for vocations. They presented me with a check for $1,335.51! What a support this will be! Being with Fr. Jaime Bueno was truly an encouragement. I was really sick during my time in Evanston. Must have had the stomach flu, so I felt awful. Fr. Jaime came from Columbia to Wyoming after many years working in missions in Africa, Europe, and South America. Three separate times, in two different counties, people tried to kill Fr. Jaime for his work with the poor! Not only that, while in Africa he experienced the cultural and religious prejudices of other religions. Though it all, he persevered and joyfully served as a witness to the "resurrection and the life!" Now he is serving in another "mission" the Diocese of Cheyenne. After the masses in Evanston I drove back 313 miles on Monday to host a discernment dinner for young men at St. Paul's Newman Center. Fr. Steve Titus was the guest presider and presenter. He related his vocation story as a gentle journey in utter freedom. "God is good! God only gives us what we need to take the next step." He used the image of light in darkness. As though we only have a lantern or flashlight, you can only see so far, just enough to take the next several steps. Fr. Steve described God's guidance working in the everyday events of our lives and in keeping with the general direction of our lives. He suggested not looking for signs, rather trusting that "the God who made the universe is not going to screw up when it comes to leading us to our fullest joy." Prayer, keeping a journal of our important prayer experiences, spiritual direction, and being serious about our moral and spiritual lives are all elements of our discovery of God's call. It was so joyfully obvious that Fr. Steve and also Fr. Bueno are happy in their choices to become priests. It is always an inspiration to me and an encouragement to know that God does have a plan for us and that it is possible to discover it, and in the living of that plan is found an adventure and fulfillment!
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