This was also a powerful pilgrimage in faith. Transitioning into the summer from the rigors of the academic year in this way affords a last opportunity to spend time with dear friends with whom God has worked in profound ways. As a priest, and as a Vocation Director, I was so taken with the joy, faithfulness, and maturity of each of the members of the group. Conversations that I had with each one around tenets of faith or living patiently with others or persevering through difficult tasks (we worked in lots of rain and mud, and with lots of different personalities) were a reminder to me of the subtle but powerful way that the Holy Spirit guides and sanctifies us.
Perhaps the most enduring aspect of this mission trip and of the Church herself is the power of community. We priests generally live alone or with one other person, but for 8 days to be part of a 16 member family was a true encounter with Trinitarian life. Thinking of others, relishing particular qualities, hearing each other's stories and aspirations, trials and experiences of resurrection and faith. I am certain that the times we prayed Mass together were a major aspect to this and animated and illuminated the "thanksgiving" that was lived in the moment. This was the first trip I've taken since the announcement that I'll be leaving vocation work July 1st to return to parish ministry. It was a good way for me enter into transition from a way of ministry I've known for 7 years and beginning something new. It is such a grace to remember that God is with us always, that we encounter Him through the sacraments, and live the Good News in community, particularly community in service! "Always preach the Gospel, and if you have to use words!"