On Friday June 11th, Pope Benedict XVI brought the Year for Priests to an end during the celebration of the Solemnity of the Sacred Heart of Jesus. This has been a year of gratitude for the gift of the priesthood of Jesus Christ that is extended in every baptized person but in particular through the ministerial priesthood conferred by the rite of ordination. Pope Benedict intended this year to be an occasion for priests to grow in holiness by focusing on the person of Jesus Christ the Great High Priest who is the model of priesthood for all of us. It was also to have been an occasion for intercession for our priests on the part of every person. As the Vocation Director I felt a particular urgency about this year. Only deep faith and an appreciation of who Jesus really is, can inspire a young man to open his heart to hear God's call and then to give his life away in loving service through, with, and in Jesus. This is where each of us is constantly invited into silence. We are called to dialogue regularly with God in private prayer and also in the celebration of the mass. It is there that we realize anew the God of the call!

For the Diocese of Cheyenne this has been a year full of unmistakable blessing! In August Fr. Rob Spaulding was ordained to the priesthood, in December Bishop Paul Etienne was ordained as our new bishop, and on May 24th Fr. Tim Martinson was ordained a priest! Two priests and a Bishop! Not bad for the least populated diocese in the contiguous United States! On a personal note, this was my seventh year as Vocation Director so it was my jubilee year! What a terrific year! Lots of amazing successes and cause for encouragement. I honestly believe that Jesus is still calling men to heroic gift of self in the service of the Church and of society. I see this in the quality of seminarians that we have for this diocese and of the men considering the call. We'll have 10 seminarians this year and each one could definitely be successful at other endeavors but has heard God's call and is striving to answer it.

One of the most profound gifts to me is to be a member of the presbyterate, order of priests, who serve the Diocese of Cheyenne. We just returned from our annual priest retreat and I am constantly humbled and inspired by each priest's gift of self. Every story is different but at the heart of each is the experience of God's ineffable love that called them into service as a ministerial priest. Also the unmistakable role of our Blessed Mother has animated and informed each of our lives. I am truly proud to be a priest of this diocese!

This is my last month as Vocation Director. On July 1st, I'll turn over the reigns to Fr. Bill Hill and entrust to him and Bishop Etienne what I have so keenly been aware of: the stewardship of the mystery of God's call! We have so much to be grateful for and so much to do. The future for the Diocese of Cheyenne is one filled with challenge. From 1968-1976 there were no ordinations to the priesthood. The class of '68 is now beginning to retire. So the need for active vocation ministry and open hearts is still very much at hand. The exciting aspect to vocation discernment is captured in Ps 37: "If you trust in the Lord and do good, then you will live in the land and be secure. If you find your delight in the Lord, he will grant you your heart's desire." God seeks only to give us our fullest joy and true happiness! In nearly 16 years of priesthood and at the conclusion of my 7th year as Vocation Director, I can honestly say that this year has definitely been a wonderful Year for Priests!