On Friday March 26th, the last Friday in Lent, 14 young women gathered with the Mother Superior and the Vocation Director of the Little Sisters of the Poor from Denver. This was a powerful encounter with wonderful women of faith who described their charism (the unique gift and character of their order) as one of joyfully finding Jesus in elderly poor of the world. Pope Benedict canonized the founder of the Little Sisters of the Poor St. Jeanne Jugan this past October 11, 2009. The Little Sisters of the Poor are an international order of women dedicated to community living, radical dependence on God's providence, prayer, and service to those society so easily forgets and ignores, the elderly. The Little Sisters of the Poor (lsp) [even using the lower case for the acronym of their order suggests their poverty] provide homes with various levels of assistance to the elderly who would otherwise be on the streets or completely alone. Sr. Carolyn the Vocation Director of the order described her discernment story as one of total surprise. She had envisioned herself as a wife and mother with lots of kids but during a one chance visit to a community of lsp she was immediately attracted to the joy and utter selflessness of the sisters in their love for one another and for the elderly that are part of their family. She offered the advice to those in attendance and to all of us to always remain open to the wonderful plan that God has for us! What makes these sisters particularly inspiring and challenging is that they literally beg for all that they have: from the daily meals they provide to the elderly, to all the funds necessary to run their institutions and for their own needs. They live in radical simplicity and confidence. They told some amazing stories of the regular intercession of St. Joseph to whom they turn for all the material needs and spiritual support of their apostolate.
As we enter into Holy Week we celebrate another Person who recognized, and continues to, minister to the poor and the sinner, Jesus the Christ!