Saturday, February 13, 2010
Pictures from today's WCC Mass
Greetings from Lander Wyoming! I am in Lander to promote vocations at Holy Rosary Parish and the Wyoming Catholic College. Yesterday I had the priveledge of celebrating the daily mass with over 95 students, faculty, and staff of the Wyoming Catholic College. The Gospel reading (Mk 7:31-37) was an apt entry into the topic of vocation discernment. Jesus touched the man's ears and spat on his tongue. This conjures the image in the Sistine Chapel of the creation. It is as though the man were being recreated anew and now is able to hear the Word Incarnate, Jesus Christ, and is able to speak clearly about Jesus. In essence this is what discernment involves, allowing ourselves to hear God's word, Jesus beconing us to follow Him, and through that experience being able to share that experience with others. I'm taken with the devotion, excitement, and humanity of the students at Wyoming Catholic College. It certainly is true that anyone authentically exploring a relationship with Jesus and His Church and endeavoring to live it fully, with the assistance of the Holy Spirit and a vital community, will definitely have cause for joy and strength to "stand fast no matter what comes." I'll share some more pictures of the Lander valley and the Wind River Mountain range. As I drove the 227 mile journey yesterday morning I could not help but reflect on my personal journey to become the Vocation Director nearly seven years ago. At the time, I was the pastor here in Lander. My first pastorate! What a joy and a challenge that was. I was just hitting my stride when Bishop Ricken asked me to serve the diocese in this capacity. "The future of a diocese passes through the office of the Vocation Director." This was said to me by a dear friend and former Vocation Director. It is that conviction that enabled me to say "yes" to leaving the beauty of this part of the State of Wyoming and this portion of the People of God. I can honestly say that I have no regrets taking this ministry as I have had the opportunity to see God's healing and liberating finger touch the ears and toungues of some amazing seminarians and potential religious. May God continue to speak to each of us a call to holiness and offer an exciting invitation to follow Him and become a "fisher of men."